I don't know about you, but the end of each school day is a rough time for me. Getting all the kids ready to go, especially the slowpokes, is a daunting task. Because of this, I knew that I had to find an End of Day Routine that was calming but effective.
My End of the Day Classroom Routine
First off, my students actually get ready to go home about 45 minutes-1 hour before dismissal. This is because I want them ready before recess. Recess is a great motivator to get students moving quickly. My students have lockers. I don't want to make multiple trips to the lockers to get coats and book bags. Therefore, students write in their planners, get their things from their lockers, and load their book bags with their homework. Book bags are then hung on the back of their chairs. This routine allows us to then go to recess and return for out last subject.
I end of my days with either a Science or Social Studies activity. Since our bags are already packed, we work until bus riders are called to line up. If we are in the middle of an activity, it remains on the desk until morning.
Originally my goal was to end with an afternoon meeting. I wanted to share something they liked or learned from the day. Unfortunately that only lasted a couple of days. I couldn't give up this time. (Although, we do have a morning meeting that I could never give up!)
The Favorite Part of my End of Day Routine
I have, however, begun ending the school day with my favorite routine! My students line up and as they are leaving I make sure to take the time to smile at each student and give them a hug, handshake, or high 5. I leave it up to each child. Most want a hug (some sneak back in line for multiple hugs) while some prefer a simple handshake. I currently have only one boy that likes the high 5 option.
No matter what has happened during the day, we leave on a positive note. I feel better and the smiles on my students' faces are incredible!
Tips on an End of Day Classroom Routine
Set a timer! My students work much faster with a timer going. I'm also better at keeping track of how much time things are taking with a timer. It's amazing that on days I don't use a timer, 5 minutes can easily become 15-20 minutes.
Play an End of the Day Song! Having a set song that students can listen to while getting ready offers daily consistency for students. They get used to a song and know to get ready before it is over.
Utilize Short Videos! I love short videos like the ones by Kid President. My students do not want to miss out on them, so they are likely to move more quickly in order to watch them.
Assign Jobs to Encourage Classroom Involvement! The end of the day is a great time to have students complete a job. This works especially well for students that are able to get ready early and need a task to complete while waiting for slow moving students.
Assign a Buddy! This is another way to help students that move slowly. Assign a buddy that is able to consistently move quickly to be their buddy and get them ready at the end of the day.
Post an End of Day Reminder! Even with practice, not all students can remember what needs to be done at the end of the school day. Create a large anchor chart of things that need to be done as well as a smaller one to put on individual students' desks.
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