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March 19, 2019

The Story Behind the Frazzled Teacher

The Story Behind the Frazzled Teacher

I write these blog posts week after week and realized that many of you don't really know who I am. It's easy for me to hide behind the name Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher because in the beginning I wanted to keep my teaching/blogging separated. Now, I'm willing to share more about me in order to encourage and better support you.

My name is Beth. I am in my thirteenth year of teaching in a small school district right outside of Chicago. Let me back up a little though.

When I graduated college, there really weren't many teaching jobs available in my area. I ended up substituting for a year and a half in the district that I attended as a child. While subbing I also worked part-time at a learning center. During this time, the learning center was expanding and opening another location. They were looking for an Assistant Director to run this new center. The owner and Center Director asked me to apply and I was hired on the spot. This was definitely unexpected since I ONLY wanted to be a classroom teacher. However, I appreciate my time there as it really got me thinking how many students miss the basic building blocks of education. (Plus I made some lifelong friends!)

After almost two years of working at the learning center, I was anxiously wanting to get into a classroom. I applied EVERYWHERE! I got an interview in my current district and started in 4th grade.

My first year was rough! Actually, rough is an understatement. Nightmare is probably a better word. I would work until 7 every night and come home to do more work. In class, I was dealing with one issue after another. I had a student that would try to hurt himself on a regular basis, a student that wrote suicidal notes, one student that was eventually sent out to a behavioral school, etc. Did I mention that a group of my boys formed an official gang outside of my classroom? Luckily, I had a principal that helped me along. I also had the 3rd grade team. Yes, 3rd grade team! The 4th grade team were not very kind (and luckily none of them are there anymore) plus they were all on the other side of the building. If not for the 3rd grade team, I may not still be in the district. (Side Note: My first year that my parents were afraid that I wouldn't make it the entire year, but they didn't say anything until my third or fourth year.)

Luckily, it got better after my first year. I moved to 3rd grade. I eventually found my stride, dealt with crazy principals (one of which I was stuck with as a teacher in my Master's program), got my Master's degree, and have found my stride. 

Don't get me wrong. At times, it has been extremely stressful. I think in one of my more harried moments I came up with the term Frazzled Teacher. I don't want to see other teachers have to be stressed out and frazzled. That's why I started this blog. I want to share tools and resources that have helped me in order to help others.

I truly want to help support all teachers! Feel free to comment below or email me at with what you need help/support on or ask me any questions that you may have!

What else do you want to know about me?
What do you need help with, so you won't be so frazzled?

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