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October 1, 2017

Books, Writing Activities, and More - October Edition

I love October! I especially love October in my classroom! Here are some of my favorite things!

Disclaimer: Some links are affiliate links; clicking on theme provides compensation for me at no cost to you. 

Picture Books to Read

I make sure to read aloud to my students everyday.  Here are some of our favorites. (Please note: The bottom role is all nonfiction (I love books by Gail Gibbons!); the rest are fiction.)



Chapter Books to Read

Depending on the group I have, I will read some chapter books. Every year is different.  All of these books are part of a series, or in the case of The Witches, there are other books by this author that are great reads.


Writing Activities

Did you know that October has some of these featured days:
* Global Hand Washing Day
* World Octopus Day

* National Taco Day
These writing prompts take each day and turn them into things like letter writing assignments and more.

Daily October Writing Prompts

Scholastic Fiction Story Starters - This is not necessarily specific to October, but this a great online resource for students to create different types of writing!

Reading - General Activities

Use witch fingers as pointers when reading.  They are a fun way to get students to focus on the words!

Author's Purpose - I love using food to teach author's purpose to my students! Check out this freebie for a fun activity to teach this skill to your students!

Halloween Author's Purpose

Math Activities

Review! Review! Review! Especially when students' minds are only on Halloween.  I use my Differentiated Math Printables.  This allows me to target skills needed for specific students.

Differentiated Halloween No Prep Math Printables

Get students up and moving with task cards!  Spread the cards around the room and have students move to find the answers.

October Task Card Bundle - 2 and 3 Addition Without Regrouping

Online Math Games - There are tons of online games.  Click HERE and HERE for tons of free games! 


  1. My group definitely will enjoy the task cards without regrouping. It's a good review as we go into the addition/subtraction chapter of the math book. Thanks!
