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July 26, 2020

5 Unusual Must-Have Items in Your Classroom

After teaching for the past 14 years, I have gotten pretty attune to what items I need in the classroom and others that I don't need. For the most part, there are normal, everyday items that are necessary.

Normal items include scissors, glue sticks, glue bottles, crayons, etc. Some not so normal items may include flair pens (although they are a must for me) and teacher toolboxes (also normal for me). If you are interested in the blog post 7 School Supplies You Must Have!, click HERE!

Sometimes, though, I need unusual items that may not be used everyday but are a lifesaver when I do use them. These unusual items have popped up when I least expect them! In short, these are 5 Unusual Must-Have Items in Your Classroom.

Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

Disclaimer: Please note that there are affiliate links for some items. Clicking on them will cost you nothing but may earn a small commission for me and make me very appreciative!

5 - Step Stool

My third graders vary greatly in height. I have students that are shorter than Kindergartners (yes...really) to those almost as tall as me. When they set up our Promethean boards, they didn't take into account the little ones. It was tough for my shorter students to complete any activity on the board. To combat this, I got a little step stool. This stool folds up out of the way when not in use and is extremely durable! It's helped my students find an even playing ground.

This has also been useful for me at times when I need a slight boost to reach something out of the way. It's amazing how much time this gets used throughout my classroom. I'm almost tempted to get another one...

4 - Pants Hangers

While I am not a huge fan of official anchor charts, I do like to make a chart every so often. I like the flexibility of moving them around the room. To make this easier to change up (and store), I place the charts on pants hangers. It's also nice to flip the charts around and have a front and back side. 

I have a little cabinet that I store completed anchor charts and poster paper, all on these pants hangers. 

Side note...To move them easily around the classroom, use command hooks! They hang up quickly and are extremely sturdy. I keep them up any place I may eventually want to place an anchor chart.

3 - Label Maker

I am OBSESSED with label makers! I have one for home and one for school. It's amazing how many times I need a label maker during the school year. At the beginning of the year, I label folders with student names to store documentation, label my Guided Reading/Math binders, and label student mailboxes. 

Whenever I get a new student, I need the label maker to update everything. I also find myself labeling random things (like my task card boxes) because I like the look of the labels!

Technically, for me, this may not be an unusual item for as much as I talk about them and use them. Even if it is not, a label maker is essential!

2 - Umbrella 

You might think you do not need an umbrella in your classroom, because you have one in your purse or you always bring one when it rains. I would also turn down the idea of having an umbrella because I wouldn't care if I got a little wet. 

Then we encountered a season that felt like monsoon season and my opinion changed big time! I now keep an at school umbrella in my classroom for the end of school day showers in which I would have to be outside of door duty. It has come in so handy on days that started off beautiful only to be rainy during dismissal.

I especially recommend the umbrellas pictured because they open the opposite way than you are used to. This keeps them from making a huge mess. When I finish using it, I stick the umbrella in the sink to dry.

1 - Sewing Kit

This is probably the most unique item! This kit has come in handy more times than I can count. I have used it to mend rips and tears on my students' clothing and book bags as well as for "surgery" of our well loved classroom stuffed animals. I am definitely not a seamstress but I know that my students have been appreciative of my work.

This has also turned into a fun side project. Some students were so fascinated by my sewing skills (or lack thereof) that they wanted to learn themselves. This makes for a fun indoor recess or end of the year activity. 

What are some unusual must-have items for your classroom?

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Every classroom needs basic supplies like glue, scissors, and crayons. What about the unusual supplies? This blog post shares 5 Must-Have items in your classroom! These supplies are not your normal everyday use supplies but you will be grateful to have them! #confessionsofafrazzledteacher #teachers #schoolsupplies {Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders}


  1. Great ideas! I have 3 out of 5. Now I just need to bring an umbrella and get a step stool. I definitely could have used both of those last year!! Thanks for the ideas! :)

    1. Thank you! The umbrella and step stool have made a HUGE difference for me!

  2. I've found that I need an extra pair of shoes for when the monsoon comes 2 minutes before dismissal and I have car line duty in it for the next 20 minutes. My feet are soaked and I still have 3 more hours of work to do at school. Could be as simple as a pair of flip flops, but better than wet feet!

  3. A tub of Vaseline and a box of Q-Tips for chapped lips, cheeks, and hands.

  4. A screw driver to fix that screw that pops out of the desk while teaching. I actually have a small tool kit in my room. No waiting for custodians and because I teach 5th grade most of the students can help fix it quickly!

    1. I agree! This goes under my must have classroom items though! I use my tool kit ALL the time!
