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June 27, 2018

Wednesday Organization - Health Station

Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

You will always have students that will have some kind of injury or illness at some point during the school year. This will of course happen at the most inopportune moment. Because of this, I highly recommend creating a health station for your classroom.

Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

Materials Needed:

* Container for everything (mine came from the dollar store)
* Small container with band-aids - You will definitely need to replenish this through the year!
* Hand-sanitizer - Cleanliness is super important!
* Lotion - This works will for students with severe dry skin. It also works well as a 'magic lotion' which cures almost any ailment.
* Small container with a hard candy - I used mints. - I give these to students with a sore throat or a cough. I prefer not to pass out cough drops since that is a type of medication.
* Vaseline - This is for my students with lips so cracked they are bleeding or just look painful. I had three students last year that used this a lot!
* Q-tips - To dip in the Vaseline for cleanliness.
* Plastic gloves (I keep mine in a little baggie.)
* Optional - Nurse passes - Our nurse has teachers write a pass for those that visit. This would be a great place to store them.

How to Make This: 

1. Keep it simple! Just take everything and put it together in the larger container.

2. Take this to the next level by adding labels, directions, or even create a QR code that links to a Google Form on students using the Health Station. (Click on the link for the blog post on how to do this!) 

Health/Nurse's Station
Click the pic to see the Health Station I created for Teachers Pay Teachers. It includes all the cute labels and pictures to help you make your own! 
Right now it's currently 50% off!

Benefits of Creating a Health Station:

The most important reason to create a Health Station is that everything is in one location. You will not be searching for a band-aid at the most awkward moment. 

At the beginning of the school year, I trained my students how to use the different items in the basket. I also monitored students using anything in the basket. I kept it stored behind my Guided Reading table, so it was easily accessible but still out of the way. This way I never felt that anyone abused the resources (even for the mints)! I love having everything within easy reach!

What do you need help organizing in your classroom?

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