I'm always looking for new ways to up my classroom management game. I read blog posts and management books, try the latest fad, utilize ideas from other teachers, etc.
This time, I've found a new management tool that has helped make my life easier and hopefully will make yours easier as well! Watch out as I share how Technology Takes Classroom Management to a Whole New Level!
What is this amazing technology tool?
It's Classroom Screen!
Have you heard about Classroom Screen? It's been a game changer in my classroom. There are so many features and the best part...it's FREE!!!!
Here are my favorite parts:
Sound Level - If your computer has a microphone, it can keep track of the sound level of your class. You can adjust the level based on how sensitive your microphone is. If the class gets too loud, a bell rings. It's not too loud or obnoxious but it does get your students to refocus.
I admit that I had a little difficulty setting this up in the beginning. My microphone had to be set up on the computer first. In order to do that, it had to listen to me speak a sentence.
Check your computer settings. It should walk you through this. Once your microphone is set up once, it shouldn't need to be done again. However, each time you go into Classroom Screen, you do have to enable the microphones by saying that you give permission to use them.
Timer - This timer is like an hour glass. It's a great visual for your students as well. There is something soothing about watching sand go through a funnel!
Work Symbols - There are work symbol cards that can be changed up based on what you are having your students complete. These include silent, whisper voices, etc. I like to share which one we are going to use and leave the card up as a reminder to my students.
Traffic Light - Speaking of visuals, there is a traffic light that can be changed based on what students need to see - Red, Yellow, or Green. This Traffic Light is in addition to the timer and work symbols.
The limits on the Traffic Light is your creativity or lack of creativity! I guess that's why I struggle with this one! While I do love it, I haven't found a use for this one. FYI...I can really use ideas on how I can incorporate this into my classroom!
Other Features
Some other features include a random name generator, text options, drawing box, background (I use the book as my background to reinforce my love of reading!), QR Code generator (perfect if you use Ipads in your room), and if you look in the lower right corner, there is an Exit Poll option. We haven't tried all of these yet, but I look forward to in the future.
I can't believe Classroom Screen is FREE to use! I think the only downfall to this is that your data is not saved. While it takes only seconds to set up, I am a bit lazy and want it done for me. I shouldn't complain though as it is FREE! That's definitely the right price for me!
This week I challenge you to try Classroom Screen in your classroom. Leave it up on your Smart Board during the day. Let me know how it works for you.
Comment below with your favorite Classroom Management tool/technique. And...if you want more Tips, Tricks, or Freebies from me, sign up for email HERE!
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